OPSC OJS 2024 Notification
Online applications are invited from the prospective candidates through proforma application form to be made available on the Website of the Commission (http://opsc.gov.in). The link or online application and submission shall be available from 20.03.2024 to 20.04.2024 (Note: 20.04.2024 is the last date for submission of Registered Online Application) for recruitment to 34 (11-w) posts of Civil Judges (Junior Division) in Odisha Judicial Service, 2023 under Law Department.
Download OPSC OJS 2024 Official Notification Here
Table of Contents
OPSC OJS 2024 Exam Dates

Odisha Judicial Services Salary
Direct recruitment of Odisha Judicial Services in the pay scale of Rs.77,840-1,36,520/- with usual dearness and other allowances as may be sanctioned by the Government of Odisha from time to time.
NOTE: (a) To the extent of four percent of the vacancies in the cadre of Civil Judges which are required to be filled under rule 15 shall be reserved for persons with
A candidate must not be below 23 (Twenty-three) years of age and not above 35 (Thirty-five) years of age as on the 1st day of the month of August, 2023 and he/she must not have been born earlier than the 2nd of August 1988 and not later than the 1st August 2000.
Provided that, the maximum age limit shall be relaxed by five years in case of candidates belonging to Scheduled Caste, Scheduled Tribe, SEBC, Women, Ex-servicemen or Commissioned and SSC Officers of defense service and by ten years in case of Persons with benchmark Disabilities as referred to in sub-rule (5) of rule 17 over and above the normal relaxation admissible to the Scheduled Caste, Scheduled Tribe and SEBC category candidates.
The maximum age limit in respect of departmental candidates having service experience of 07 years is not more than 39 (thirty-nine) years as on the 1 day of the month of August. 2023
Date of birth entered in the High School Certificate or equivalent certificate issued by the concerned Board/Council will only be accepted by the Commission.
(1) A candidate must be a graduate in Law of a recognized University or Institutions recognized by the Government.
(i) A Superintendent or a Ministerial Officer in the High Court or any Civil or Criminal Court sub-ordinate to the High Court, or an Assistant Law Officer or Translator of the Law Department of Government, shall also be eligible for appearing at the competitive examination under rule 15 for recruitment to the posts of Civil Judges (Junior Division) in Odisha Judicial Service.
If he/she is a graduate in Law of a University recognized by the State Government, has approved service in the High Court or in any Civil or Criminal Court sub-ordinate to the High Court or in the Law department of not less than seven years by the last date fixed for submission of online applications for the said competitive examination, has been recommended by the respective appointing authority, and is not more than 39 (thirty nine years) of age on the 1 day of the month of August, 2023 Approved Service for this purpose means qualifying as defined in the New Restructured Defined Contribution Pension Scheme as provided in the Odisha Civil Service (Pension) Rules, 2005.
While submitting certificates/documents along with the printout/hard copy of the online application form, as required at Para-9, a candidate of the above category should furnish necessary evidence to the effect that the competent authority has recommended his/her case and that he/she satisfies the aforesaid conditions of eligibility.
The selection of candidates for recruitment to the cadre of Civil Judges (Junior Division) shall be made through competitive examination, which shall consist of three parts; viz- Preliminary Written Examination, Main Written Examination and Interview as per the provisions of the Odisha Superior Judicial Service & Odisha Judicial Service Rules, 2007 (as amended from time to time) and the syllabus as specified below.
A. Preliminary Written Examination:
(1) The Preliminary written examination shall be of one paper carrying 100 marks with duration of one and half hours of examination with objective type questions of multiple choice (i.e. 100 questions of one mark each with negative marks of twenty-five percent for every wrong answer allotted to that particular question) on the following subjects and the OMR answer sheets will be scrutinized by Computer.
Ν.Β.: The Commission shall call the eligible candidates for Main Written Examination, who have secured not less than 35 (thirty-five) per-centum of marks in case of Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribe candidates and 40 (forty) per-centum of marks in case of others in the Preliminary Written Examination.
Click here to Get all the detailed OPSC OJS Syllabus with Marking Format
B. Main Written Examination:
The main written examination shall be on the following two compulsory papers and three optional papers. Each of the compulsory subjects shall carry 150 marks with a duration of 2% (two and half) hours of examination and each of the optional subjects shall carry 150 marks with a duration of three hours.
A candidate shall answer the papers in English unless otherwise directed.
The standard of papers shall be that of LL.B course and in respect of compulsory paper-1, it shall be of a degree course.
The Commission shall call the candidates, from amongst those who have secured not less than 45 (forty-five) per-centum of marks in aggregate and a minimum of 33 (thirty three) per- centum of marks in each paper in the Main Written Examination, for interview which shall not more than three times the number of advertised vacancy under each category in order of merit.
The optional subjects for the main written examination, mentioned by the candidate in the online application form, will be treated as final. No request for change of optional subject(s) will be entertained.
Interview shall carry 100 (one hundred) marks. Questions to be asked in the interview may not ordinarily be outside the syllabus prescribed for the Main Written Examination. In the interview, questions covering broad national and international issues and matters of common interest in the field of Arts and Science may also be asked.
Provided that the names of the candidates shall not be included in the merit list unless such candidates secure a minimum of forty per-centum (40%) marks in the interview.
The Commission shall prepare a list of candidates in order of merit on the basis of written examination and interview, which shall be equal to the number of advertised vacancies;
Provided that, if two or more candidates secure equal marks in the aggregate the order shall be determined under the marks secured at the written examination and if the marks secured at the written examination of the candidates concerned be also equal, then the order shall be decided in accordance with the total marks obtained by them in the LLB Examination and If the marks obtained in the LLB Examination are also equal, the candidate who is older in age shall be placed above the other (younger).
The list recommended by the Commission shall remain valid for a period of one (01) year from the date of its approval by the Government.
Note: Any details relating to this recruitment like cut-off marks, answer keys, individual marks etc. shall only be declared on the website of the Commission after publication of the final result and select list.
6. Odisha Judicial Services Examination Centre
The Preliminary Written Examination may be held at 5 zonal centres, viz Balasore, Berhampur, Bhubaneswar, Cuttack & Sambalpur. In case sufficient numbers of candidates are not available for any of the zones of Balasore, Berhampur, and Sambal pur, the candidates opting for those zones will be accommodated at Bhubaneswar and Cuttack
The Main Written Examination may be held either at the above 5 zones or at Bhubaneswar and Cuttack zones only taking into view the number of candidates selected for the said examination
7. Odisha Judicial Services Eligibility Conditions
The candidate must be a citizen of India;
(i) He/She must be of good character and of sound health and free from any organic defect and physical infirmity He/She must be able to speak, read and write Odia fluently and must have passed (ii) An exam in Odia language equivalent to that of Middle English School standard (ie. Class/Standard-VII) within the last date:
(iv) A candidate, who has more than one spouse living, will not be eligible for appointment unless the State Government has exempted his/her case from operation of this limitation for any good and sufficient reasons;
Government servants, whether permanent or temporary or on probation against a vacancy in permanent/temporary posts in any department of government, are eligible to appear at the examination, provided they possess the requisite qualification and are within the prescribed age limit as provided under Para-3 of this advertisement. They must inform their respective Heads of the Office in writing regarding submission of their application for this recruitment and furnish “No Objection Certificate” during document verification:
(v)The Government Servants as enumerated in Para-4(1) who offer their candidature for the examination should submit their applications through the Appointing Authority
Candidates should note that in case a communication is received from their employer by the Commission withholding permission to the candidates applying for/appearing at the examination, their applications will be liable to be rejected/ candidature will be liable to be cancelled,
If a candidate has at any time, been debarred for a certain period/chance(s) by the Odisha Public Service Commission or by U.P.S.C. from appearing at any examination/viva voce test, he/she will not be eligible for such recruitment for that specified period / chance(s);
(vii) Only those candidates, who possess the requisite qualifications, are within the prescribed age limit and fulfill other eligibility conditions etc. by the closing date for submission of online application form, will be considered eligible;
(viii) A candidate who claims change in his/her name after having passed the H.S.C. examination, is required to furnish copy of the publication of the changed name in the local leading daily newspaper as well as copy of the notification in the Gazette in support of his/her change of name
ix) Every candidate selected for appointment shall be examined by the Medical Board. A candidate, who does not satisfy the requirement after medical examination, shall not be appointed;
(1) Online applicatioris submitted to OPSC, if found to be incomplete in any respect, are liable for rejection without entertaining any correspondence with the applicants on the score;
(ii) A candidate found guilty of seeking support for his/her candidature by offering illegal gratification or applying pressure on any person connected with the conduct of the recruitment process or found indulging in any type of malpractice In course of the selection or otherwise, shall, in addition to rendering himself/herself liable to criminal prosecution, be disqualified not only for the recruitment for which he/she is a candidate, but also may be debarred, either permanently or for a specified period, from any recruitment or selection to be conducted by the Commission;
(iii) Admission to examination will be provisional. If on verification at any stage before or after the examination it is found that a candidate does not fulfil all the eligibility conditions, his/her candidature will be liable to rejection. Decision of the Commission in regard to eligibility or otherwise of candidate shall be final;
(iv)This advertisement should not be construed as binding on the Government to make appointment; Concession meant for S.E.B.C, S.C & S.T by birth are admissible to the socially and
(v) Educationally Backward Classes, Scheduled Castes & Scheduled Tribes of Odisha only;
(vi) Any misrepresentation or suppression of information by the candidate in the application form will result in cancellation of his/her candidature or penalty, as decided by the Commission;
(vii) Mere empanelment in the select list shall not confer any right for appointment unless the Government is satisfied after making such enquiry as may be deemed necessary that the candidate is suitable in all respects for appointment to the service;
Candidates who will qualify in the written examination will be required to bring with them the hard copy of online application form along with copies of following relevant certificates/documents and originals of the same for verification of their eligibility as per terms and condition: of the advertisement, the date of which will be notified later on in due course, failing which his/her application will be rejected for the said post. The candidates are required to mention on each copy of documents “Submitted by me” and put their full signature and date on the same. They must not attach the original certificates to their applications.
(1) H.S.C. or equivalent certificate in support of declaration of age issued by the concerned Board/Council;
(ii) Bachelor’s degree of Law (LLB) Certificate issued by the concerned University
iii) All mark lists in support of LL.B examination issued by the concerned University Odia test pass certificate from the Board of Secondary Education, Odisha or any
(iv) other Board or Council of Secondary Education approved by the Government of Odisha in support of passing of Odia language test equivalent to M.E School standard, if not passed HSC or equivalent examination having Odia as one of the subjects.
Explanation:-If a candidate produces a certificate from the recognized school showing that he/she had taken Odia as a subject in Class-VII or Standard-VII and has passed the said examination, it shall be treated as compliance of the above provision
(v) Certificate of service experience, if any, from competent authority (showing date of joining) in support of approved service as required under Para-4(ii) of the advertisement, who claim age relaxation as departinental candidate;
vi) Certificate of good character from the Principal/Proctor/Dean or Professor in charge of the department of teaching of the College or University/Institution in which last studied,
(vii) Medical certificate or disability certificate from the competent medical board or authority indicating % of permanent disability in case of cancidates belonging to PWD category:
(viii) Ex-Servicemen are required to submit/upload Release Certificate issued as per Orissa Ex-Servicemen (Recruitment to State Civil Services and Posts) Rules, 1985 vide G.A. Deptt. notification No. 22586-Gen., dt.16.10.1985. Further, Ex-Servicemen candidates must submit an affidavit, undertaking that he/she has
not been appointed against a civil post after retirement from military service.
(ix) Four recent passport size photographs (unsigned & unattested) which has been uploaded with online application,
(x) Caste Certificate by birth in support of claim as S.C/ST/SE.B.C., wherever applicable (Please see Note-1). Concession meant for S.C/ST/SEB.C. are admissible to Scheduled Castes/Scheduled Tribes/ Socially & Educationally Backward Classes of Odisha only:
(xi) Any proof of identity;
(i) Candidates claiming to be belonging to S.E.B.C/ S.C. /S.T categories of Odisha by birth are required to submit copy of the relevant Caste Certificate issued by the competent authority in the prescribed form. Candidates of SEBC category (other than Creamy layer) must submit copy of Caste Certificate issued by the competent authority within the last 03 years from the last date of submission of online application form in prescribe form.
(ii) The SEBC certificate which is more than three years old by the closing date of submission of registered online application form is liable for rejection.
(iii) Women candidates belonging to S.E.B.C./ S.C. / S.T. Categories are required to submit Caste Certificates by birth showing “daughter of ………… Caste Certificates by virtue of marriage (i.e. showing “wife of …………”) are not acceptable and liable to rejection.
(iv) OBC certificates will not be accepted in lieu of SEBC certificates and candidates submitting OBC certificates are liable for rejection.
v) Community (Caste status) once mentioned by the candidates shall not be changed under any circumstances.
The competent authorities are: District Magistrate/ Collector or Additional District Magistrate or Sub-divisional Magistrate/Sub-Collectors or Executive Magistrates or Revenue Officers, not below the rank of Tahasildar /Additional Tahasildar of Government of Odisha.
Degree Certificate, Caste Certificate, Odia test Pass Certificate, Permanent Disability Certificate of PWD Persons (including % of permanent disability) and Release Certificate of Ex-Servicemen [issued as per Orissa Ex- Servicemen (Recruitment to State Civil Services and Posts) Rules, 1985 vide G.A. Deptt. notification No. 22586-Gen., dt. 16.10.1985] must have been issued by the competent authority within the last date fixed for submission of online application form.
Applications of candidates will be rejected by the Commission on any of the following grounds:-
(a) In-complete online application form.
(b) Non-submission of hard copy of online application form at the time of verification of original documents.
(c) Not signing Declaration (full signature) in the hard copy of online application form.
(d) Not passing Odia test (M.E. standard)/not furnishing Odia test pass evidence as required under para-7(iii) and 9(iv) of the advertisement.
(e) Not coming within the age limit as mentioned in Para 3 of Advertisement
(f) Not having requisite qualification as provided under Para Advertisement.
(g) Not furnishing copies of certificates/documents as provided under Para – 9 of Advertisement.
(h) Submission of wrong information/ false information about qualification/ Age/category status (SEBC/SC/ST/Ex-Servicemen /PWD/Woman etc).
(i) Suppression of facts / information about eligibility, if any.
(1) Any other ground as per the decision of the Commission.
NB: Application/candidature of a candidate shall be rejected at any stage of recruitment process, whenever discrepancy is noticed/ detected.
11. How To Apply for Odisha Judicial Services 2024
(a) Candidates must go through the details of this Advertisement available in the Website of OPSC before filling up online application form.
(b) Candidates must apply online through the concerned Website of the OPSC https://opsc.gov.in. Applications received through any other mode would not be accepted and summarily rejected.
(c) Before filling up the online application form, the candidates must go through detailed instructions available at OPSC portal.
(d) The online application form is automated and system driven & will guide the candidate seamlessly in filling the application. The requisite options shall be enabled and information shall be asked as per data furnished by the candidate. Before filling up the information, ensure that accurate information is fed, for edit option is limited & on confirmation there is no scope for further edit even if wrongful entry has been made while filling up application
(e) Candidates are requested to upload the scanned image of latest passport size photograph along with scanned image of his/her full signature and scanned image of Left-hand Thumb Impression (LTI) in the online application form. Uploaded photograph, Specimen (full) signature and LTI must be clearly identifiable / visible, otherwise the application of the candidate is liable to be rejected by the Commission and no representation from the candidate will be entertained.
- Candidates should keep at least four copies of latest passport size photograph which is uploaded to the online application form for future use.
- Not having requisite qualification as provided under Para Advertisement.
- Not furnishing copies of certificates/documents as provided under Para – 9 of Advertisement.
- Submission of wrong information/ false information about qualification/ Age/category status (SEBC/SC/ST/Ex-Servicemen /PWD/Woman etc).
- Suppression of facts / information about eligibility, if any.
- Any other ground as per the decision of the Commission.
- Application/candidature of a candidate shall be rejected at any stage of recruitment process, whenever discrepancy is noticed/ detected.